Thursday, March 31, 2016

Week 6 - MKTG349 - The Value of Blogging

Once you have a Google Account, you will have automatic access to a blogger account in the tool Blogger. Here you can start a blog with the content of your choice. You can create multiple blogs and each will be entitled to a personal address that you will generate. With this address anyone can access your blog to view your posts.

In the process to attract new visitors to a webpage, there are multiple things that can be done to achievement this goal. One of the most recent methods involves blogging. Even though blogging has been originally for the. Job-hunting is all about human nature and in its essence is most like another human activity that we call dating. In the end it comes down to two questions: “Do you like me?” and “Do I like you?”  The second question needs to be stressed because the possible employee has just as much power as the employer in the hiring process. Here is where the applicant needs to make a decision to ask questions now and see if this job will be a good fit or just don’t ask anything to the employer and find out weeks, months, or years later that it isn’t working and quit. Hence your opinion matters just as much as the employer’s.

You are not as helpless as you think you are. There is always something that can be done no matter how challenging it may sound we will always have some percentage of control. And with that little power you can make a change for the best. Same applies to job-hunting we may feel that employers have all the power and that you can’t be picky because “there are few vacancies available” If these statements were true, we still have some control to alternate the outcome and find a job we desire.

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