Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Week 6 - MKTG348- The Fundamentals of Blogging

To get the basic understanding of analytics, we can start by finding out how to track web traffic. To get this concept down we can start by can creating a simple blog, start a Google Adwords account, and link the two then analyzing the data.

Step 1: Create a Google Account
By creating a Google Account, you have access to many free tools offered by Google including Blogger.

Step 2: Start a Blog
Once you have a Google Account, you will have automatic access to a blogger account in the tool Blogger. Here you can start a blog with the content of your choice. You can create multiple blogs and each will be entitled to a personal address that you will generate. With this address anyone can access your blog to view your posts.

Step 3: Start a Google Adwords Account
In http://www.google.com/adwords/ you can go create a Google Adwords account. You can sign in or create this account via the Google account you recently made. We proceed here by creating an account around websites or mobile apps. For each website or mobile app you want to track, you create a new account in your personal Google Adwords account to keep track of each one individually. Let’s classify websites and mobile apps we are trying to track as properties.  
Step 4: Connect Google Analytics to Blogger
After setting up your property, you get a tracking ID that you will link to the site, or in our case the blog, we are trying to track. So go to Blogger and connect it to the Google Adwords account.

Step 5: Taking a Look in Google Adwords
To get this going and see some results in Google Adwords on your blog. You should share it on social media perhaps on Facebook and wait to see what kind of traffic it generates. You will use Google Adwords to find trends and generate significant information that will help you reach the goal you’re trying to accomplish with the site that is being tracked.

These five steps will get you on the right direction to set up tracking system for a site or blog. In the business world we can use any help we can get to find success. Google Adwords is a useful tool to help prepare anyone for the business world and to find extensive results.Using the data gathered from Google Adwords, you will be able to see how the public responds to content on the site and what types of content your viewers respond to the best. With the results of the data, you will be capable to improve your content to have a more successful business. 

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